It's Not Business; It's Personal
There are
many prevailing myths in education: more testing will produce better students,
charter schools outperform public schools, computers can teach as well as
humans, student test scores are a reflection of the quality of their teacher.
to George Madaus “tests can and should be used to judge and hold schools accountable
but not students because tests don’t adequately represent what kids know and
can do.” He explains that there is always a statistical margin of error that
could be due to factors such as the temperature in the testing room, a hungry
child, or one who just had a fight with her best friend.
Let’s consider
that argument for a moment. He is saying that we should be concerned
with how well the teachers at a school teach to the test but should not take
into account the learner’s prior achievement, aptitudes, attitudes or settings.
He believes that children and their individual circumstances are unique. But, isn’t
that true of teachers too?