Joyful Assessment
For test warriors and
worriers, here are some ways to reduce test stress and make assessment fun and
- Before the test: For review, students can create board or electronic games such as Jeopardy or Millionaire. Assess their questions for clarity, complexity, and breadth of content and their answers for accuracy. For review, they can play each other’s games and also peer-assess them.
- During the test: On a selected choice or completion test, students can include this statement next to their answer. I think I may have gotten this question wrong because_____ although I do know/understand the topic and here’s what I know_______________.
- After the test: Give students the opportunity to post the questions they thought were most difficult or confusing. (Display numbered index cards at their seat, post on a sticky note board or enter on Identify the 3 most prevalent ones- review/reteach the content and concept behind the question and let them reconsider their answer before submitting.
Outcome: Less stress
and higher test scores all around