Like a kid in a candy
shop, the annual ASCD conference offers something for everyone’s tastes, and I
tried an assortment. The complexity of issues in education was evidenced by the
array of themes and topics from common core to bold changes in schools. Here
are some of my take-aways from the 2013 conference.
from all over the world: Singapore, Oman, Finland, Australia, and more shared ideas
and common concerns regarding the future of education. (I even received an
invitation to visit Oman)
Hrabowski (“One of the ten most influential people in the world”) asked “How
can we turn frustration into fascination?” His answer: Combining high
expectations with student-centered engaged learning and necessary supports.
of the conversations about assessment emphasized the Common Core and preparing
students to pass the literacy and numeracy tests. The big emphasis being on
modifying curriculum and instruction to incorporate the standards for speaking
and listening, reading, writing, and language skills in all content areas.
students know is not based on simply finding the right answer by following
directions, rules, and step-by step procedures but rather based on complex
interdisciplinary performance tasks with multiple outcomes and solutions.
workshops on Assessing 21st Century Skills and Using Formative Assessment to Support the Common Core were well attended with
many questions and insights on integrating these ideas with teaching and
I was especially
inspired by:
Angelou who, at 85, used personal stories and poetry to encourage educators to find their rainbow in the clouds.
Richardson, whose out of the box thinking inspires educators to always think
about learning for the future.
Wormeli on building student’s critical thinking skills, Michael Fullan on
continuous improvement of one’s own teaching, Doug Fisher and Nancy Frey on
structured teaching for the Common Core while gradually releasing
responsibility for learning to students, and many, many other leaders of ideas
and practice.